Lawrin Rosen and his company Arteffects (“ARTfx”) have been designing and fabricating award-winning signs nearly 40 years. While you may not know the company, you probably have been impressed by its signs. Their signs can be found at world…
Paycheck Protection Program – PPP
Hartford, CT. Updated 04/10/2020 (Update June 5, 2020 PPP amended by PPPFA – Please Read) Summary: Many small businesses should apply for these loans without delay. Business owners with questions should contact their lawyers or accountants promptly. A Paycheck Protection…
Protection for Residential Renters
Hartford, CT 04/10/2020 Governor Lamont issued Executive Order 7X today that includes Protection for Residential Renters Impacted by COVID-19. It includes: An automatic 60-day Grace Period to Pay April and May Rent. A Prohibition on delivery of a notice to…