(Hartford CT) – Connecticut’s annual holiday from the sales tax begins on August 19 and runs through August 25. Tax free purchases are expected to save consumers as much as $7.5 million statewide, especially on back-to-school shopping. On average, it is estimated that families will spend nearly $700 on back to school purchases this year.
During this third week of August, individual items of clothing and footwear that cost less than $300 are completely exempt from state sales tax – other than sports equipment, specialty clothing, jewelry and accessories. Store sales, catalog and on-line purchases, purchases on layaway and rentals are exempt. In addition, the tax free holiday week includes items valued at more but discounted to under $300 with sales, coupons and similar merchant promotions.
Said Department of Revenue Services (DRS) Commissioner Kevin Sullivan, “Governor Malloy and I see this as a great opportunity for consumers to stretch their tight household budgets and make the kind of purchases that are always necessary at this time of year. In addition, this is a good shot in the arm for our merchants – especially those that help attract shoppers who can maximize the tax exemption through discounted pricing.”
For more information about Connecticut’s Sales Tax Free Week, DRS has details on its website at www.ct.gov/drs. The DRS web site also has links to other publications to help consumers and taxpayers. Individuals may also call 1-800-382-9463 (for in-state calls outside the Greater Hartford Area) or 860-297-5962 (from anywhere).
Editor’s Note: The foregoing is based upon a press release from the Commissioner of Revenue Services. No copyright is claimed as to the content of this article.